What Is Hashing And Encryption?
These three terms are often confused — they mean three completely different things. In order to understand the difference, let's first clarify some points.
In terms of security, when you send data/message on the Internet:
You want the other person to know that you sent this email and not someone else.
You want the message to be received in the same format as you sent it — without changes.
You want your message not to be read by hackers.
What is hashing, encryption, and encoding?
These three points can be called differently:
• Identity check
• The message integrity
• Privacy policy
To make this possible, hashing and encryption are used. Let's start with hashing. And don’t forget to know more about $1 Web Hosting USA for having the cheapest and best hosting services.
Let's imagine life without hashing. For example, today is a friend's birthday and you want to send them a greeting. Your fun-loving nerd friend decides to make fun of you, intercepts the message and turns "Happy birthday" into "Rest in peace". This is quite likely, and you may not even know it.
To prevent this from happening, hashing comes to the rescue — it protects the integrity of the data. A hash is a number that is generated from text using a hash algorithm. This number is less than the original text.
What is hashing algorithm
The algorithm works so that a unique hash is generated for each text. And it is almost impossible to recover the text from the hash by intercepting the message. One of the irreplaceable properties of hashing is its uniqueness. The same hash value cannot be used for different texts. The slightest change in the text will completely change the hash value. This is called the avalanche effect. And, don’t forget about $1 Hosting UK.
In the example below, we used the SHA-1 algorithm.
Text: Everyone loves doughnuts.
The SHA-1 value text: daebbfdea9a516477d489f32c982a1ba1855bcd
Let's not dispute the phrase about doughnuts and focus on hashing for now. Now if we change the text a little, the hash will completely change.
Text: Everyone loves a doughnut.
The SHA-1 value text: 8f2bd584a1854d37f9e98f9ec4da6d757940f388
As you can see, one letter has changed, and the hash has changed beyond recognition.
Hashing is necessary:
• To avoid duplicating information in databases;
• For digital signatures and SSL certificates;
• To find specific information in large databases;
It is almost impossible to imagine the Internet without encryption. Encryption is what makes the Internet a safer place. When encrypted, confidential information is converted to an unreadable format so that a hacker can't intercept it.
Encryption and decryption
Data is encrypted using cryptographic keys. The information is encrypted before sending and decrypted by the recipient. In this way, the data is secure during transmission.
Depending on the nature of the keys, encryption can be divided into 2 categories: symmetric and asymmetric.
Symmetric encryption: Data is encrypted and decrypted using a single cryptographic key. This means that the key used for encryption is also used for decryption.
Asymmetric encryption: This is a fairly new method. It uses two different keys — one for encryption and the other for decryption. One key is called a public key, and the other is called a secret key. Public keys are everywhere — you also have one, even if you don't know it. One of them is saved in your browser every time you visit a site with an SSL certificate. Apart from this, you better groom your knowledge on Wordpress Hosting for having the best hosting services without any hassle.
When you send data to an encrypted site, that site is encoded with a public key. Only the recipient has a private key, and they must store it in an inaccessible place. The secret key decrypts encrypted data. When two different keys are used, encryption is safer and slightly slower. Both of these methods are used in SSL / TLS certificates. Asymmetric encryption is first applied to the server's SSL validation handshake process. As soon as a connection is established between the client and the server, data is encrypted using symmetric encryption.