+133 votes
in General by (72 points) | 6.1k views

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2 Answers

+158 votes

MBA allows the individuals to build a perspective towards business and related aspects as well as allows them to gain better understanding and implementation of various business related factors. Some of the significant reasons to pursue MBA include:

  • Developing connections
  • Gain real-world experience
  • Preparing to run their own company
  • Working with the team
  • Develop Creative outputs

by (144 points)
edited by
+150 votes
to build a successful business we dont need only technical skills but also we have to be prepare to make anlysis of various business tactics and strategies for business...andthis can be learned only in buisness school...thats why MBA is important

1. for development of self business personality and mindset

2. to learn market needs and future growth

3. to learn business presentation skills and team management
by (72 points)