+158 votes
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3 Answers

+130 votes

Apple Push Notification service is a platform notification service created by Apple Inc. that enables third party application developers to send notification data to applications installed on Apple devices. The notification information sent can include badges, sounds, newsstand updates, or custom text alerts.

by (72 points)
+168 votes

Updates are clickable pop-up messages that appear on your users' browsers regardless of the type or browser they're using. They are used by firms to send messages, offers, and other information to their people in a timely manner.

by (360 points)
+151 votes

APNS, or Apple Push Notification Service, was the first mobile push notification service, debuting in 2009.

APNS is a cloud-based service that allows apps to send push notifications to iOS users via a secure connection from a distant server. You'll need an Apple p.12 certificate, which permits push sending through APNS before iOS users can see your messages. The system establishes an IP connection between your app and APNS when a user runs it. Subscribers receive push notifications from the APN servers after they are opt-in.

by (360 points)