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Why grip strength is important?
in Fitness by (21 points) | 295 views

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2 Answers

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Your grip can also be an important indicator of your overall health. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research concluded that grip strength is a predictor of muscular endurance and overall strength. Other studies have found that a stronger grip correlates with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

by (42 points)
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Generally, we used to neglect our forearms as they are the most accessible organs of our body. In the maximum gym, trainers start with core strengthening exercises without focusing on the hands. But you must remember without having strong hands, and you can not perform a body-building workout. To make your workout routine more effective, do a hand workout with a grip strength exerciser. Weight lifters prefer hand strengthening exercises because they are more concerned about their chest size, back, and biceps. We should focus on and take care of both our hands because these are the most useful parts of our body, and they work in a versatile manner. A strong wrist and big forearms literally improve your quality of life.
by (21 points)